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concentration of ion中文是什么意思

用"concentration of ion"造句"concentration of ion"怎么读"concentration of ion" in a sentence


  • 离子浓度


  • Based on the dc diffusion model , we build a duplex diffusion layer model which is composed of inner pulse diffusion layer and outer stable diffusion layer . in inner pulse diffusion layer , the concentration of ions fluctuates with frequency of pulse current ; in outer stable diffusion layer , the transport speed of ions is almost stable all the time , the main purpose is to transport the ions from the mass to the pulse diffusion layer
  • Best concentration of ions is 1 . 5mol / l and dispersant pvp monomer 0 . 8mol / l . spin - coating speed , which affected the quality of limn2o4 film greatly , was also studied . it demonstrated that smooth limn2o4 film without cracks could formed under 2000 rotates / min with the solution cion = 1 . 5mol / l , cpvp = 0 . 8mol / l , what ’ s more , fewest spin - coating times were needed at that speed
    实验结果表明:采用离子总浓度溶液为1 . 5mol / l ,聚乙烯吡咯烷酮单元浓度为0 . 8mol / l的溶液旋转涂覆时,转速在2000转/分钟时最佳,所得到的湿limn204薄膜平整光滑均匀,加热后无龟裂现象。
用"concentration of ion"造句  
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